
“Raise a white flag if you need help!” M’sians urged to seek out and assist the needy

We're all in this together

KUALA LUMPUR – With COVID-19 showing no signs of slowing down and the endless extension of the current FMCO, many have found their physical and mental state to be at a breaking point as they struggle to provide for their families.

We have also seen countless news reports of Malaysians taking their own lives in recent days due to tremendous economic pressure and mental health issues.

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Yesterday (June 28), a photo showing a white flag, the international sign of surrender, being hung outside a gate made rounds on the Internet as it echoed the weariness and helplessness of Malaysians nationwide.

"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy
(Photo via Facebook)

However, it also gave birth to an online movement called #BenderaPutih and it has since become a rallying cry for Malaysians to encourage and help each other out.

One touching post with the #BenderaPutih hashtag read:

“I advise everyone who is in need and has no food to eat, raise the white flag outside your house and let the people around you come to your aid.

“Do not undertake actions that will harm yourself and your family. Share your problems with the public. Don’t be embarrassed. Just wave the white flag and someone will help.”

"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy
(Photo via @HafizolHakami)
"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy

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Some generous Malaysians also told those who were in need of daily supplies to message him/her directly.

"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy

As the movement gained momentum, more and more netizens have joined in and extended a helping hand to their fellow Malaysians, with many lauding it as “beautiful” and “heartwarming”.

"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy
"Raise a white flag if you need help!" M'sians urged to seek out and assist the needy

Several netizens also emphasized that displaying the white flag should not be interpreted as a sign of failure or surrender, but should be seen as a desperate plea for support.

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Sources: Cover image via Twitter

Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh

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