KUALA LUMPUR – It was a sunny afternoon when a police officer saw a child standing in front of the Pavilion shopping mall, his eyes gazing deeply into the giant 3D animation show showing a golden bull charging forward – a grand spectacle which has made rounds on social media during Chinese New Year.
Not wanting the child to be scorched by the blazing sun, the police officer quietly stood beside him and acted as an ‘umbrella’ to shield him from the sweltering heat.
The adorable scene has warmed many hearts online, with the photo being shared more than 800 times.
Full of love
The heartwarming scene was captured and uploaded on Facebook by a netizen who is believed to be the parent of the child.

On a page named “We Love We Share We Care, the photos were accompanied with the following caption:
“Went to watch the 3D golden bull today. I’m sure everyone has seen the majestic artwork. Admin was worried it would be taken down soon so I brought my kid to witness it today. Guess what? A policeman stood beside my kid which may have stopped his heartbeat for about 10 seconds. He just stood there like a mummy.”
“OMG, what a heartwarming scene! Taat Hormat Kepada Polis.“

Netizens bombarded the comment section to praise the policeman for his kind act.

You can see the original post here:

Sources: (Facebook / We Love We Share We Care)
Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh