
Oyen Wipes Its Butt On Carpet After Pooping, Netizens Concerned About Potential Health Issues

It may need to be dewormed.

A recent TikTok video featuring an orange cat or oyen has swiftly captured the internet’s attention, amassing over 1.2 million views in just three days.

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Uploaded by user @emerimaz, this charming clip showcases the adored feline engaging in a rather peculiar behaviour.

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Cats, universally beloved for their adorable antics, often find themselves at the centre of viral internet content. This video is no exception.

Orange cat strange antics

It begins with the cat performing a typical routine: using its litter box. However, the twist comes when, instead of covering its business with sand as expected, the cat opts for an unusual alternative.

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Oyen pooping inside litter box

The real amusement begins when the orange cat, having finished its business, proceeds to a small carpet.

Here, it begins to clean and wipe itself in an endearing manner, raising its small paws high. The moment the cat notices its owner approaching with a camera, it swiftly scampers away, adding a comedic flair to the entire scene.

Oyen wipes its butt on carpet after pooping
Screenshot via TikTok/@emerimaz

It may need to be dewormed

While the video has certainly generated laughter, it’s also sparked a wave of concern and discussion among viewers in the comment section.

Several netizens expressed worries about the cat’s hygiene and health, suggesting that its behaviour might indicate underlying issues.

Oyen wipes its butt on carpet after pooping, netizens concerned about potential health issues comment 1
Screenshot via TikTok/@emerimaz

One user commented, “This is why I don’t keep my cat in the house,” highlighting concerns about cleanliness.

Another viewer shared a personal experience, relating the behavior to potential health problems: “Intestinal worms. My cat used to be like this. It felt disgusted to lick itself and to clean and did not cover its poop. Turns out it was infected with parasite worms.”

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Oyen wipes its butt on carpet after pooping, netizens concerned about potential health issues comment 2
Screenshot via TikTok/@emerimaz

A third comment brought a more informed perspective to the discussion, “Clearly, most of y’all in the comment sections are not aware of this kind of thing. Cats that behaved like this could have worms. Deworm your cat or go to the vet.”

Just like people, cats can get sick, and sometimes their actions tell us they need help, like a visit to the vet.

You can watch the full clip here:

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Kuang ajo… Taik tinggal, lap di karpet.. Thanks all, oyen punya tabiat lap, tiada cacing juga 😀 #oyen #malas #oralabora #highcrown

♬ คนจนมิสิทธิ์มั๊ยคะ – Hight Crown

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