Current Affairs

Over 10,000 M’sian Students Failed To Turn Up For SPM 2023

However, a higher National Average Grade (GPN) score of 4.6 was recorded.
For thousands of students across Malaysia, today is a nerve wrecking as it will be the moment where they will be seeing their SPM results after months of waiting.

While some are rejoicing over their stellar results, there has been also been a shocking amount of students who didn’t turn up at all for the exam.

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M'sian student praying before spm
Photo via The Star

No show for 10,160 SPM 2023 candidates

According to education director-general Azman Adnan, he said that a total of 10,160 students who registered for SPM didn’t turn up for the exam at all, reported NST.

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He added that out of the 383,685 newly registered candidates, only 373,525 of them showed up and sat for a minimum of one subject.

In light of this absenteeism rate, Azman said the factors causing it must be probed so that preventive measures can be taken.

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We will examine the reasons why these candidates did not attend (SPM 2023), especially after a significant drop (in the number of candidates registered for SPM 2023 compared to 2022).

M'sian students taking exam
Photo via Malay Mail

“We will review each case and implement interventions to address this issue effectively,” he said as quoted by the English daily.

In 2022, 14,858 (3.8%) out of 388,832 new candidates who registered for six subjects didn’t turn up, while 2021 saw 10,681 (2.7%) out of 392,837 candidates not showing up for the exam.

Higher National Average Grade (GPN) score recorded

Meanwhile, Azman revealed that for SPM 2023, 11,713 students (3.1%) out of 373,525 candidates who took the exam scored straight As.

Spm students showing their as
Photo via The Star

Additionally, a National Average Grade (GPN) score of 4.6 was recorded compared to last year’s 4.74 score.

In this aspect, having a lower GPN score signifies a better candidate achievement.

“83,112 candidates (22.3%) obtained average results with at least a grade C for all subjects. 31,489 (35.2%) of the candidates who sat for the 2023 SPM examination passed, while 119,393 candidates (32%), failed at least one subject,” he said.

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