
M’sians Have Eaten 1.64mil Servings Of Instant Noodles In 2023 Alone

This places us at 13th spot globally.

Instant noodles, the ultimate comfort food, have been a staple in many households for years.

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Their irresistible taste, convenience, and affordability make them a favourite among Malaysians. But did you know just how much we love them?

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M’sians are serious about their noodles

According to the World Instant Noodles Association (WINA), Malaysians slurped down a whopping 1.64 million servings of instant noodles in 2023, securing the 13th spot globally.

From 2019 to 2023, our love for instant noodles has only grown.

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We went from consuming 1.45 million servings in 2019 to an impressive 1.64 million last year.

The only exception was a slight dip in 2022, but we quickly bounced back.

Southeast Asia is clearly a hotspot for noodle lovers.

China (including Hong Kong) led the pack with 42.2 million servings, while Indonesia came in second with 14.54 million servings.

Other Southeast Asian countries also made the top 20, with Vietnam in 4th place (8.13 million servings), the Philippines in 7th (4.39 million servings),

Thailand in 9th (3.95 million servings), Malaysia in 13th (1.64 million servings), and Myanmar in 18th (0.77 million servings).

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On a global scale, a staggering 120.21 million servings of instant noodles were consumed last year.


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