
M’sian Woman Narrowly Escapes After Hijab Gets Caught Inside Machine

Her husband turned off the machine in time.
A female business owner in Kuala Lumpur had a near-death experience when her hijab got entangled in a rotating machine, almost causing her to suffocate.

According to a video posted on TikTok by 55-year-old duck egg vendor Norizan Jaafar, the terrifying moment was captured, showing how her hijab was pulled into the duck egg washing machine, nearly leading to a fatal accident.

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Hijab stuck in egg machine (3)
Image via TikTok/norizanjaaffar

Not aware of her surrounding

Norizan explained that she was live-streaming on TikTok at the time, which made her less aware of her surroundings.

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She mentioned that the egg cleaning is usually handled by her employees, but since they were on break that day, she took over the task and decided to go live on social media.

“Unexpectedly, my hijab got caught in the rotating washing machine, twisting tightly around my neck and nearly choking me,” she recounted.

The video shows the hijab being pulled into the machine, jerking her head forcefully towards it and causing her head to hit the machine’s top.

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Hijab stuck in egg machine (1)
Image via TikTok/norizanjaaffar

Turned off the machine in time

She described the event as life-threatening, with her hijab tightening around her neck.

“My husband and employees heard my screams for help, and my husband quickly turned off the machine.

Thankfully, I am safe, but my neck hurts from being tightly wrapped. This incident has left me fearful of the machine,” Norizan shared.

Norizan advised the public to be mindful of their surroundings, especially in high-risk areas like factories. She emphasized the importance of focusing on one task at a time to prevent such accidents.

Watch the video here:


Masih troma .. bila sy tgok balik gelihati pun ada .. rasa malu jg nk pos tapi sy pos jg untuk bg pengajaran pada semua org .. jgn terlelu leka bila kita berhdpn dgn mesin


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