
M’sian Uni Student Caught Eating Leftover Chicken Bones In KFC

He only receives RM100 per month for food from his parents.

An average university student’s life can be tough at times, no doubt.

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However, it got so challenging for one student that he had to eat people’s dinner leftovers.

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11 As in SPM

In a Facebook post written by Kuan Chee Heng, he shared an encounter he recently had with a university student who was caught stealing people’s table leftovers at KFC, Paradigm Mall, by an employee.

According to him, the student is a 20-years old Chinese boy who is in his second year studying medicine at a private university.

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M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Photo via FB/Kuan Chee Heng

He had scored 11 As in his SPM and was given a loan of RM250K by JPA to study his chosen course.

However, how has that left him to resort to eating people’s leftovers?

9.00 pm leftovers

After more probing, the student revealed that his father works as an odd job labourer and his mother is a housewife in Melaka.

Due to their financial situation, his parents can only afford to give him RM100 a month for meals as they still have to pay a difference of RM5,000 for his tuition fees.

When questioned as to why he eats leftovers, he casually replied, “Makan what, can eat one lah“.

He would usually approach the KFC counter staff to ask for any leftovers or food that might be thrown out after business hours.

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M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Photo via Tripadvisor

However, he made it clear that he would only go after 9.00pm when the dinner rush was over.

At times when there were no leftovers, he would then have to resort to scourge whatever bones were discarded on tables by KFC customers and eat it.

M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Image via Dreamstime

If there is no food to be found, he would have to return to is hostel hungry.

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He said he does this because he does not want to burden his parents anymore as they are financially strained.

Kuan also wrote that the student was still wearing his old shoes from his Form 5 days as he could not even afford to buy a new pair of sports shoes.

“No Malaysian left behind”

The student was then treated to a fulfilling meal by Kuan, who felt sorry for him.

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M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Photo via FB/Kuan Chee Heng

Many people have also expressed their compassion for him in the comments.

M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Screengrab via FB/Kuan Chee Heng

One also suggested that him to get a part-time job, but other netizens replied, saying a medical student’s life is busy enough.

M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Screengrab via FB/Kuan Chee Heng

However, there were also a few users wary of the ingenuity of Kuan’s story.

M'sian university student caught eating leftover chicken bones in kfc
Screengrab via FB/Kuan Chee Heng

View the original post here.

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