A well-known local Tiktok user recently became quite popular after posting a video demonstrating how simple it is to receive free things if you have nice looks.
Pick-up lines challenge
In her video, @ erynamira revealed how she and her companion were able to obtain a free kebab each at a Middle Eastern restaurant in Bukit Bintang by using a few pick-up lines on the waiter.
The influencer ‘challenged’ her friend in her video to flirt with the restaurant’s most attractive waiter in order to score complimentary shawarmas.
Her friend then took up the challenge, starting off with, “Do you like satay? Cus I wanna stay with you forever.”

@erynamira then has a turn, asking the waiter, “Do you know what my shirt is made from? It’s from girlfriend material!”

Even though the whole thing seems a little scripted, in the end, the waiter comes back with two shawarmas for the ladies, free of charge.

“Flirting privileges”
Netizens were not pleased with her behaviour, particularly because she had stated a week earlier that she would not date anyone in the B40 income bracket.
After only a few hours of posting, the comments section exploded with many claiming that her behaviour was unethical, particularly given that her lifestyle appeared to be somewhat glamorous.

However, there were others who commended her on her confidence and asked others to leave her alone.

Apparently, the whole thing was fake and was just a marketing stunt for the restaurant.

What do you think? Are pretty privileges real?
Watch the original video here.
@_erynamira Best kan jadi cantik @Kha.liesah ♬ Vô Tư_Quyền Hải Phòng Remix – 𝘾𝙤̀🦩💋