Exclusive Society

M’sian Shares Harrowing Experience Of How An Arab Man Tried To Follow Him Into His Hotel Room In Mecca

"He followed me all the way to the hotel, and that’s when I started feeling unsafe," he shared.
Harassment can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or location, and it often occurs in places we least expect.

Even sacred spaces, meant to provide peace and spiritual growth, are not immune to such encounters.

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Recently, Malaysian personality Zhiddin Aziz shared a harrowing experience during his Umrah pilgrimage, proving that not even the holy city of Mecca is exempt from these unsettling situations.

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Unnerving encounter in a Mecca hotel lobby

Zhiddin, who had just completed his pilgrimage, took to TikTok to recount a frightening moment that has since gone viral, with the video gathering nearly 900,000 views within 20 hours. In the video, he detailed an encounter with an Arab man who approached him at the lobby of a hotel in Mecca.

M'sian shares harrowing experience of how an arab man tried to follow him into his hotel room in mecca
Screesnshot via TikTok/@zhiddinazizz

The man initiated conversation by asking Zhiddin who he was with and expressed a desire to follow him up to his room.

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At first, the man made vague excuses, but Zhiddin confronted him directly, asking whether he was homosexual and if he had inappropriate intentions.

A frightening and emotional moment

Caught off guard by Zhiddin’s directness, the man hesitated but did not deny the insinuation.

M'sian shares harrowing experience of how an arab man tried to follow him into his hotel room in mecca
Screesnshot via TikTok/@zhiddinazizz

Zhiddin shared that during the interaction, the man tried to touch his hand multiple times, making the situation even more distressing. Zhiddin firmly expressed his disinterest and told the man he wanted no part in such behaviour.

Some viewers observed that Zhiddin appeared on the verge of tears in the video. He later confirmed feeling a mix of emotions during the encounter—shock, fear, frustration, and disbelief—as he tried to process what had happened.

Netizen comment
Screesnshot via TikTok/@zhiddinazizz

A Pattern of unwanted advances

Zhiddin revealed that this was not the first time he had experienced harassment. The full encounter, which lasted about 20 minutes, ended with him driving the man away from the hotel.

Netizen comment
Screesnshot via TikTok/@zhiddinazizz

Disturbingly, he disclosed that similar incidents had occurred twice before, including one near the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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Speaking to WeirdKaya, Zhiddin shared further details about the incident and how he managed to stay calm despite the unsettling situation.

Zhiddin aziz
Photo via Fb/Zhiddin Aziz

He recalled that the encounter began unexpectedly while he was on an escalator.

“While I was on the escalator, a man suddenly came up to me. At first, he just stood nearby, but then he started talking and asking rather personal questions. I felt uncomfortable with his presence, but I kept moving. The part that shocked me was that he followed me all the way to the hotel. That’s when I began to feel unsafe and threatened,” he shared.

When asked how he managed to stay composed despite the fear, Zhiddin explained, “I tried to remain calm by responding politely. I didn’t want him to act more strangely or become aggressive.

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My faith teaches me to hate the sin but not the person. I believe everyone has their own reasons and background, so I avoided reacting with anger. I hoped that by doing this, I could prevent the situation from escalating and keep myself safe. I also saw this as a test for both him and me.”

Although the encounter was deeply distressing, Zhiddin chose not to report it to hotel staff or the authorities.

“I didn’t report the incident to anyone, not even to my mother, because I didn’t want to disturb her focus on worship. She already had enough to think about. Instead, I told the Umrah staff who were managing my group.

TheUmrah staff were very understanding and helped calm me down after the incident, offering me the support I needed. After that, whenever I went out, they always wanted to know where I was going, to make sure nothing like this would happen again,” Zhiddin said.

Reflecting on the experience, Zhiddin shared advice for others who might find themselves in a similar situation.

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“My advice is to always stay alert and trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable or threatened, stay calm and seek help from those nearby, like hotel staff or security guards. Try to avoid being alone in quiet places and always let someone know where you are,” he said.

He also emphasised the importance of focusing on behaviour rather than judging individuals.

“I believe it’s important to condemn the behaviour, not the person. Everyone has their own background and reasons, and we don’t always know what drives their actions.

Instead of judging them, it’s better to address the inappropriate behaviour and find ways to manage it without creating more conflict or hatred. This way, we can work towards changing negative behaviour without adding to the problem.”

Watch the clip here:

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