
M’sian Police Seize Ganja Worth RM11K Which Were Disguised As Belacan & Snacks

Too creative.

In a bold yet unsuccessful attempt to outwit customs officials, a part-time tour guide’s efforts to smuggle Ganja camouflaged as everyday snacks were thwarted at the Wang Kelian ICQS control post.

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The incident, which unfolded at approximately 9:35 AM on December 21st, saw the vigilant enforcement team of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department apprehending a 24-year-old Malaysian man under suspicious circumstances.

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The suspect, attempting to cross the border from Thailand into Malaysia, was the lone pedestrian at that early hour, pulling along a piece of luggage.

Ganja disguise as Belacan, crackers & snacks

Customs Director Ismail Hashim revealed the innovative yet illegal tactic employed by the smuggler: compressing dry leaves, believed to be marijuana, into various shapes resembling everyday items like belacan (a local shrimp paste), crackers, and other snacks, and concealing them in transparent plastic beneath a pile of clothes in his black luggage.

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Ganja in belacan form
Photo via Kosmo!

Despite the disguise, the customs officers’ sharp senses detected the distinct smell of cannabis emanating from the luggage, reported Kosmo!.

Weighing in at 3.68 kilograms, the haul of disguised drugs was valued at RM11,408.

International link exposed: From Hatyai to Wang Kelian

Ismail shared that initial investigations pointed to the suspect originating from Hatyai, a city in Thailand’s Songkhla province.

Wang Kelian checkpoint. Photo via Wikipedia

The choice of Wang Kelian as the entry point was likely due to the perception of it being a less scrutinised checkpoint for such illicit activities.

The suspect is currently under a seven-day remand as per the order of the Kangar Magistrate’s Court, aiding further investigations into this audacious smuggling attempt.

This case, now under scrutiny under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, holds severe consequences for the accused, including the possibility of the death penalty, life imprisonment, and a minimum of 12 lashes if found guilty.

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