
M’sian Mum Makes Daughter Work At Durian Stall To Earn Money For Her Own iPhone, Gets Praised By Netizens

This tough approach taught her daughter that money doesn’t grow on trees and must be earned through hard work.
Understanding the true worth of money through hard work and dedication can profoundly shape character.

Earning money isn’t just about financial stability; it’s about learning to appreciate every penny and cent—because every cent counts.

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M’sian mum makes daughter work at durian stall to earn money for her own iPhone

One mother’s creative approach to instilling this lesson has recently captured the attention of netizens.

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Liyana Chan shared her story on Facebook, showcasing how she used a hands-on approach to teach her daughter about the importance of earning money the hard way.

Liyana chan's daughter
Photo via Fb/Liyana Chan

Liyana’s daughter had her sights set on an iPhone, but instead of handing over the cash, Liyana chose to give her a taste of the real world.

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Her daughter took up a job at a durian shop, working diligently every day and saving her hard-earned cash to finally get her hands on the coveted phone.

“Sorry dear, I had to do this because earning money isn’t a piece of cake. You need to work hard to achieve success. So, whatever Damia wants, she needs to work for it herself,” Liyana wrote in her Facebook post.

This approach, though a bit tough, was meant to show her daughter that money doesn’t grow on trees and must be earned through grit and grind.

The story became even more touching when Liyana revealed that her daughter never complained about her job or the condition of her old smartphone, which had its LCD screen held together with tape.

Liyana chan's daughter
Photo via Fb/Liyana Chan

Her daughter’s willingness to stick with her old phone, despite its screen issues, reflected her grasp of the lesson.

‘At least you’ll know money doesn’t just fall from the sky’

Liyana believes that this tough-love approach will prepare her daughter for future challenges.

She expressed in her post, “If one day, mummy isn’t around, and neither is your aunt, at least you’ll have the experience of knowing that money doesn’t just fall from the sky—it’s earned with effort and knowledge.”

The post quickly sparked praise from netizens, who admired Liyana’s parenting style.

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One commenter noted, “That’s right, sis. it’s important to make them understand from a young age.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via Fb/Liyana Chan

Another added, “This is even better, sis. Later, they’ll appreciate their belongings more because they’ll know that earning money isn’t a walk in the park. I love seeing kids who are already independent and earning their own money at a young age.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via Fb/Liyana Chan

A third person remarked, “Strong people come from a strong upbringing because that’s the only way to develop a strong mentality.”

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Netizen comment
Screenshot via Fb/Liyana Chan

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