
M’sian Mother Donates Half Of Her Liver To Daughter Suffering From Liver Disorder

Motherly love.
Parents would do anything in their power to make sure their child is free from pain and discomfort, even if it means sacrificing their body parts or organs as well.

This was exactly what one mother in Melaka did to relieve the suffering and ensure the recovery of her daughter who had a liver disorder.

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Noreen ismail asking for donations
Photo via MalaysiaGazette

Sought donations from the public

Meet 35-year-old Noreen Ismail and her 20-month-old daughter Nur Khayla Azzahra Mohamed Khairul Idhham, where the latter suffers from a condition known as Biliary Atresia since birth.

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Biliary Atresia is a condition that prevents bile from flowing into the intestine, resulting in it building up in the liver and damaging it.

Noreen, who didn’t have the funds for her daughter’s liver transplant to be done in China, turned to public for RM250,000 in donations.

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Thankfully, she was able to gather the necessary funds, where part of the amount was donated by a disabled TikToker named Nor Komariah Mohd Khalid Lourdes Lio, reported The Star.

Tiktoker donates money to noreen ismail
Photo via The Star

M’sian mother donates half of her liver to daughter

After successfully gathering the funds, Noreen and Nur Khayla for Shanghai, China for the liver transplant, where Noreen gave half of her liver to her daughter.

When contacted by Harian Metro, Noreen said that everything has been going smoothly so far.

Alhamdulilah, so far my daughter’s body is accepting my liver. This is what every donor wants, that there will be no rejection (by the body).

Noreen ismail and her daughter
Photo via Harian Metro

“(It is a) bittersweet feeling to see my child suffering, but her itch (a symptom of Biliary Atresia) has disappeared after receiving part of my liver. I thank the Almighty and all the donors,” she said.

Noreen also thanked Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for showing concern towards her and Nur Khayla.

Meanwhile, Noreen’s husband Mohamed Khairul Idhham Khairuddin said his wife and daughter are currently in a stable condition and are expected to be discharged in two to three weeks.

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We hope Noreen and her daughter will have a speedy recovery soon!


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