
31yo M’sian Man Killed By Lightning Strike While Lazing On A Hammock

His wife initially thought he was asleep but later found him unresponsive.
During stormy weather, we’d be told not to stand underneath trees or use electronic devices lest we suffer from electrocution or be crushed by falling trees.

But who would’ve thought that lying on a hammock would be part of the ‘not-to-do’ list as well?

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M’sian man killed by lightning strike while lazing on a hammock

According to NST, the unfortunate incident took place near a 31-year-old crane operator’s home at Kampung Baru Pulau Tiga in Sungai Petani, where he was struck by lightning while lying on a hammock.

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Hammock of m'sian man struck by lightning
Photo via NST

In a statement by Kuala Muda police chief Assistant Commissioner Wan Azharuddin Wan Ismail, he said the victim’s wife saw that he was unconscious on the hammock in front of their home at around 10pm.

Like the victim’s brother and friend, she thought that he was asleep and didn’t wake him up. However, her worst fears were realised when she tried rousing the victim up but saw that he was unresponsive and unconscious.

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The family rushed him to Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital (HSAH) in Sungai Petani, but doctors confirmed that he had died during the journey.

Sultan abdul halim hospital
Photo via The Star

“The wife reported that the deceased was in good health. Investigations found no record of chronic illness, and examination of the body showed no signs of criminal elements,” he said as quoted by the English daily.

Burn marks confirm lightning strike

Additionally, Wan Azharuddin said the incident occurred at around 9.45pm, where there was heavy rain and lightning.

“An investigation at the scene found burn marks on the wood used to hang the hammock and a broken electrical wire.

Lightning strike
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

“A post-mortem examination conducted at HSAH also confirmed that burn marks were found on the victim’s body, which were caused by a lightning strike.”

Our condolences to the victim’s family and please stay indoors whenever there’s a storm!


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