
M’sian Man Gives Out Free Breakfast As He Recalled How He Often Ate Leftovers As A Student

Inspired by his polytechnic days, he recalls relying on plain rice and leftovers for breakfast before class.
In tough times, empathy is like a guiding light—a small flame in the dark. It’s something you really understand if you’ve been through hard times yourself. When life feels heavy and overwhelming, knowing that others get it can make all the difference.

Free breakfast from Mon to Thurs

Najib rahimi - free breakfast at badok smoke cafe & kitchen
Photo via Sinar Harian

This sentiment is beautifully exemplified by Najib Rahimi Abd Rahim, a former tahfiz student turned entrepreneur, who extends a helping hand to his community through free breakfast offerings at his café, Badok Smoke Cafe & Kitchen.

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Located on Jalan Telipot, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Badok Smoke Cafe & Kitchen opens its doors every Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm, offering an array of breakfast delights including rice, noodles, fried vermicelli, and nasi lemak.

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Najib rahimi - free breakfast at badok smoke cafe & kitchen
Photo via Sinar Harian

Najib Rahimi, 27, says the menu changes daily, offering something new each time.

Inspired by his past struggles: ate leftovers before class

Najib rahimi - free breakfast at badok smoke cafe & kitchen
Photo via Sinar Harian

He says the idea to offer free breakfast came to him during Syawal, thinking about how tough things are economically and remembering his own struggles as a student, reported Sinar Harian.

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He remembers his days in polytechnic when he had to rely on plain rice and leftover food for breakfast before class.

“I got this idea recently during Syawal, thinking about how tough things are economically and remembering my own struggles as a student.

Back in my polytechnic days, I’d buy plain rice and have it with fried eggs and reheated soup from the day before just to fill my stomach before class.”

According to him, his target is students living near the cafe and the public who need breakfast.

He said that wanting to contribute in other ways he couldn’t afford, so with cooking skills, offering free breakfast is his way of easing the burden on the public.

Najib rahimi - free breakfast at badok smoke cafe & kitchen
Photo via Sinar Harian

Najib Rahimi explained that the cafe, managed with two employees, opens from 9 am to 11 pm and also offers Western, Thai, and Malay dishes.

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