Being a father is a memorable and deeply cherished moment for all men as it marks the start of one their greatest responsibilities, that is raising a child.
Unfortunately for a Malaysian man, this joy has now become a sorrowful burden after he discovered that four of his supposed children weren’t his biological kids.
M’sian man discovers 4 out of his 6 kids weren’t his
This tragic story was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by a netizen named @akuskizo, who said that the unfortunate man was a friend of his.

In the caption, he wrote that his friend often worked offshore and was faced with the heartbreaking reality that four out of the six kids he thought were his actually belonged to someone else.
Despite the cruel realisation, @akuskizo said his friend chose to stay for the sake of the two remaining kids who were proven to be his.
He also advised those who worked offshore like his friend to conduct a DNA test on their children.
Lesson learned to all you offshore dudes, check your children’s DNA. The truth hurts but it is important for the kids’ future.

Netizens’ discussion
The tweet has since gone viral since it was posted on Tuesday (Mar 19), where it had garnered 4.1 million views.
Netizens also had plenty to say about the heart-wrenching incident, with @akuskizo even personally replying to some of them.
One asked why would the wife of @akuskizo’s friend take the risk of marrying a man who worked offshore if she wasn’t going to be loyal, to which @akuskizo replied by saying that she probably did so for his friend’s money or due to “old habits that die hard”.

Another asked about the gender of the four children and wondered what would happen if one of the daughters decided to marry.
@akuskizo replied: ‘There are 3 girls and 1 boy. For girls, we already have backup guardians for them in case something bad happens to us. As for the boy, he will have to take care of the girls.’

One netizen wrote that the incident reminded her of the TV show Paternity Judge and sympathised with @akuskizo’s friend. She also asked whether the wife showed any remorse over the matter.
However, @akuskizo said that he rarely asked about his friend’s wife after he was made aware of the incident, adding that his focus was on his friend and the children.

Read the thread here:
Kawan aku lagi win. 4/6 kids dia adalah anak orang. Lesson learned to all u offshore dudes, check ur children DNA. The truth hurts but it is imporyfor the kids' future.
— SCUBA2.0 (@akuskizo) March 18, 2024
Kawan aku decided to stay. Demi kids n bcoz the last two were his. Gosh
What would you do if you found yourself in the same situation? Share with us in the comments!