If you’re currently or formerly a tenant, you’d know that landlords can arguably be one of the most difficult people to deal with, especially when they find every excuse to increase the rent based on their whims.
A tenant recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his frustration about how his landlord increased the rent after he had gotten permission to buy and install an aircond inside the house.
M’sian landlord hikes up rent over aircond
In the post shared by @_mlikr, he had gotten the landlord’s permission to buy and install an aircond inside the house using his own money.
However, when that was done, the landlord allegedly hiked up the rent and told @_mlikr that “rental rates for houses equipped with air conditioning units are usually higher.”

The landlord’s behavior is ridiculous. We volunteered to install the aircond without asking for a single cent. Yet, out of the blue, he decided to raise the rent, claiming that ‘rates for homes with air conditioning units are different’.
“Not only are we now responsible for the monthly electricity bills and the purchase of the aircond, but now our rent has become higher just because we have an aircond,” he wrote.
Netizens feel bad for OP
The alleged raise in rent has since sparked a wave of outrage and sympathy for the OP, where many netizens were appalled by the landlord’s ‘excuse’ to increase the rent.
‘I don’t know where his (the landlord) logic is coming from.’

‘How can he do you like that? We pay the electric bill by ourselves and even got approval. The landlord’s being too much.’

A netizen suggested that the OP keep the receipt and take the aircond back with him when he moved out from the rental house.

Read the post here:
Kelakar pulak owner rumah ni, kita offer nak pasang aircond without asking diorang satu sen. Pastu tau2 dia nak naikkan harga sewa sebab "rate rumah dengan aircond lain" 🤡
— 25 (@_mlikr) March 24, 2024
Dah la kito yang bayar elektrik, kito yang belikan aircond. Tau2 sewa kena naik sebab ada aircond 😩
Do you think the landlord was right for increasing the rent? Share with us in the comments!