
M’sian Hairdresser Warns About Customer Who Only Offered A Few Ringgit For RM288 Hairdo

be careful everyone
We often see scammers coming up with new and different techniques to deceive people, and here’s another one to watch out for.

Recently, a Malaysian hairdresser took to social media to share a frustrating encounter with a customer who refused to pay for a hairdo worth RM288, offering only a few ringgit instead.

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Man with blue hair at counter
Photo via FB/Johns Yong

In a Facebook post, the salon owner shared some footage and photos of the customer while detailing what happened.

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He warned others about this scammer, writing, “Came to the hair salon for a dye job, but only brought a few ringgit with him! The male version of Adeline!”

According to the hairdresser, both parties had agreed on the price of RM288 for the service.

However, when it was time to pay, the customer only handed over a few ringgit, claiming it was all he had.

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Man giving money to the hairdresser
Photo via FB/Johns Yong

The situation escalated when the hairdresser asked how the customer had arrived at the salon.

The customer claimed he rode a motorcycle and that the key was left on the bike.

However, when they went to retrieve the motorcycle, the customer suddenly insisted that the key was missing.

Things took another turn when the hairdresser asked for the customer’s family’s phone number. The customer provided a number, but it turned out to be fake.

Man showing peace sign
Photo via FB/Johns Yong

Head to the police station

Frustrated, the hairdresser decided to take the customer to the police station to lodge a report.

However, as he explained in his post, “In the end, I took him to the police station, but nothing much could be done.”

Using this opportunity, the hairdresser issued a warning to fellow business owners to be wary of this individual.

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He urged them to protect their time and effort from being wasted by such scammers.

“Just a reminder to other business owners to be cautious of this person, so you don’t waste your time and effort serving him,” he advised.

What do you think about this incident? Have you experienced something similar? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Here is the full post:

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