
M’sian Father Accidentally Sends Son To Wrong School On His First Day

'Father of the Year'
Among all the scenarios that unfold when sending a child to school for the first time, this recent incident is bound to stand out as one that simply can’t be forgotten.

A Malaysian father, thrilled to send his son to school for the first time, got a surprising call from the school. Turns out, he accidentally sent his son to the wrong school.

Father and son sitting in the car
Screenshot via TikTok/@shahrol.shiro

M’sian father sent kid to the wrong school

Shared by the father on his TikTok account, @shahrol.shiro, he revealed how it all started.

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It all began when, due to his hectic work schedule, he had his wife handle enrolling their son in first grade. They discussed two different schools as options, which ultimately led to the confusion.

M'sian father accidentally sends son to wrong school on his first day | weirdkaya
Screenshot via TikTok/@shahrol.shiro

On the first day of school, the father drops off his son at what he believes is the correct school, only to receive a phone call from the school a few hours later.

“I was worried that something had happened, but it turns out I had mistakenly sent my son to the wrong school,” the father wrote in the caption.

As for the kid, he had already entered the classroom, but he became confused when he noticed that the school field didn’t look the same as the one he went to before the fasting month.

The father then said that his son approached the teacher and said, “Teacher, I think I’m in the wrong school.”

After a quick check of his name tag, the teacher confirms his suspicion and kindly escorts him to the office.

M'sian father accidentally sends son to wrong school on his first day | weirdkaya
Screenshot via TikTok/@shahrol.shiro

He wrapped up the caption by giving a reminder to other fathers out there.

“To all the dads out there, don’t make this kind of mistake. I apologize again; please forgive me. And thank you to the teachers who helped.”

The video has racked up over 1.9 million views and has garnered more than three thousand comments from netizens who find the situation amusing.


It appears he’s not alone, a netizen shared a similar experience as well.

“It’s okay, bro.. we’re in the same boat.. I also once sent my child to the wrong school.. just that I didn’t put it in the TikTok.”

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M'sian father accidentally sends son to wrong school on his first day | weirdkaya
Screenshot via TikTok/@shahrol.shiro

In the comments, another netizen dubbed him the ‘Father of the Year’.

“Father of the Year”

M'sian father accidentally sends son to wrong school on his first day | weirdkaya
Screenshot via TikTok/@shahrol.shiro

Here is the full video:

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Atas faktor kesibukan kerja, sy minta bantuan isteri uruskan kemasukkan darjah satu sekolah anak. Dalam perbincangan nak masukkan Iqi ke sekolah mana, ada dua nama sekolah yang disebut. Cerita hari ini, sy hantar anak ke sekolah. Lepas beberapa jam hantar Iqi, sy dapat satu panggilan telefon katanya dari pihak sekolah. Risau jugak la kalau ada apa2 berlaku, rupanya sy tersalah hantar anak ke Sekolah 🤣🤣🤣 Iqi dah siap masuk kelas belajar tapi dia pelik bila tengok padang tak sama macam sekolah dia pergi sebelum puasa tu. Terus dia jumpa cikgu bagitau “Cikgu, rasanya saya salah sekolah ni”. Cikgu tengok nametag dia “Eh, betullah, kamu bukan sekolah sini”. Terus dia hantar ke pejabat. Kepada ayah di luar sana, jangan lakukan kesilapan sebegini. Maafkan ayah yer Iqi 🤣🤣🤣 dan terima kasih cikgu2 yang membantu 🙏🙏🙏

♬ bunyi asal – Shahrol Shiro – Shahrol Shiro Shop


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