
M’sia Should Learn From Singapore In Getting Rid Of Corruption, Says Crime Expert

"We need to put our ego aside and learn from them."
For the past few decades, Malaysia has been struggling to eradicate corruption as instances of government officials caught committing the deed have brought shame and tarnished the country’s reputation.

In light of this growing concern, a criminologist called upon the government to take notes from a neighbouring country and learn how it managed to keep corruption at bay.

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‘M’sia should learn from Singapore in getting rid of corruption’

In an interview with NST, Datuk Seri Dr Akhbar Satar said that before enforcement officers are recruited, mandatory polygraph tests must be carried out beforehand.

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Datuk seri dr akhbar satar
Photo via Malay Mail

He explained that by doing so, it acts as a preventive measure in combating corruption among government officials as it helps to identify those who have a penchant to go astray.

Akhbar then pointed to Singapore as an example of polygraph testing being implemented effectively, where they are carried out for personnel screening, investigations, and to determine whether corrupt officials should be charged.

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We should take a train down south to learn how to clean up our nation (from corruption). We do not have to go far or waste time and money. Put aside our ego and learn from Singapore. They are the leading country in the world that uses polygraph tests to combat corruption.

Singapore_marina bay sands
For illustration purposes only. Photo by WeirdKaya

“As our neighbour, we might want to look at the strategies implemented by the republic to curb graft,” he said as quoted by the English daily.

Akhbar also cited studies conducted by the American Polygraph Association (APA), where it found that polygraph tests, if carried out correctly, demonstrate an accuracy rate of 98%.

His remarks come after the Home Ministry announced that the Immigration Department would be carrying out reform measures to root out corruption among its ranks.

These include rotating heads, supervisors and officers who have been in the force for over three years, reviewing and improving security management SOPs at entry points, the control of security stamps and visitor inspection management.

Meanwhile, Akhbar added that having strong political will and leadership is essential in shedding corruption, notably within the enforcement agencies.

“It’s important to understand proper procedures and to learn from other countries to deliver the best service possible.

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“This is why we need strong political will and leadership, someone who can lead the department and knows its workings inside out,” he said.

What do you think of Akhbar’s suggestion? Share with us in the comment section!


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