
MonashADA Cup 2022 Is Here, Share Your Creative Ideas On Sustainability Now!

Calling for the creative, visionary and innovative you!

“Haiya… If this was designed in another way, it would be so much more sustainable and environmentally friendly.”

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Have you ever looked at something unsatisfying and had the above thought crossed your mind?

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Well, it is your time to shine as Monash ADA Cup 2022 is here to let you unleash your creativity and share any ideas on sustainability!

Be creative, visionary and innovative!

The sustainable design contest was organised by Monash Art, Design and Architecture (MADA), which aims to help you turn your ideas into reality, and through your creativity, change the world for the better.

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Wouldn’t it be great to see your work being realised and used by the society for the sake of the environment? Don’t miss the chance of making it happen and join the challenge now!

Remember, the sky is the limit.

Your work may be a new product, building, technology, material, a collaborative design, or even a crafted message, for instance, music video.

Create a design, video or artwork which relates to either: Communication, Visuals, Buildings, Fashion or any creative elements that you can think of, that evokes the idea of sustainable living by protecting our environment, through the innovative use of space, lighting, technology and form.

Any forms of work are acceptable as long as the aim is to implement sustainability to protect our environment.

So, be creative, visionary and innovative!

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The final work has to be posted on social media, which needs to be searchable via hashtags #MonashADA #MonashADACup #Monash

Wait, what’s sustainability?

Some of you might want to ask, what actually is sustainability?

According to McGill University, sustainability means meeting one’s needs without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

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To put it simply, sustainability is the concept of making sure that one can consistently provide for himself or herself using limited resources by preventing depletion of the resources.

Bear in mind that sustainability is not only related to the environment, as apart from natural resources, other resources such as social and economic resources are equally important and are aimed to be preserved as well.

Still don’t get it? Well, let me give you an example.

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Imagine you are an employer of a company, what can you do to promote sustainability? One possible way is to reduce or avoid using single-use products.

Now you have an idea of improving sustainability, how should you execute it? You can buy dishes for the kitchen instead of using paper and plastic, or provide incentives to employees who bring their own reusable cutleries, or even take other actions which support the idea.

The list of ways to encourage sustainability and how to put them into action certainly does not end here. There are no boundaries to it. That’s why we want YOU to unshackle your creativity and curate work that can help make the world a better place!

Rules you NEED to know

The challenge is open to all students who are currently in Grades / Year 10, 11 & 12 , Form 4 , 5 & 6, O-Levels, A-Levels, IBMYP, IBDP or equivalent. Participants must not have enrolled in a university degree.

The contest is open to Malaysia and Singapore residents only, while all nationalities with or without design background are welcome to participate.

This is an individual contest, judging will be assessed based on individual submission.

There are no limits in entries; however, higher number of entries does not mean higher chances of winning. The best entry will be selected based on the criteria set for MonashADA Cup. 

Judging will be based on the criteria below:

  • Creativity
  • Subject Relevancy
  • Message Clarity
  • Feasibility
  • Realisticity
  • Influencing power

Submit your work before 31 Oct!

Your artwork needs to be posted on social channels: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Tik Tok, where the posts must be viewable for public and include hashtags #MonashADA #MonashADACup #Monash

Remember to submit the form via this link after posting. You are required to include a rational of not more than 500 words.

Submission closes on 31 Oct 2022 at 23:59:59 PM (Malaysia Time), make sure you submit your work by then!

Winners will be announced on 15 Nov 2022, stay tuned to find out if you are one of them!

Click here for more information about MonashADA Cup 2022!

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