Although the COVID-19 pandemic is still raging in Malaysia, students from Standard One and Two have gone back to school today (March 1) with strict SOPs in place.
Nonetheless, many parents were not fond of the idea of sending their child to a crowded place like classrooms as kids tend to be less disciplined and often do not practice social distancing. They also signed a petition to protest against schools reopening which you can read about here:
In response to their concerns, Minister of Education Radzi Jidin told parents not to be anxious as he believed the SOPs will keep the children safe.
He explained that with the current SOPs, all schools will be able to minimize the number of students within its vicinity, thus reducing the risk of infection.

“The SOPs were carefully designed to limit movement within the school. There are designated paths leading students to their respective classroom right after temperature checks to avoid crowding.”
Radzi explained that the purpose of allowing primary school students to resume classes first was to let them adapt to the SOPs before other students follow suit.

He also said that students were abiding to the SOPs based upon his visitation to two schools this morning. Radzi added that he has also advised schools to implement different timeslots for students to leave the school grounds in order to avoid overcrowding.
Radzi also posted on Facebook regarding his visit to SK Putrajaya Presint 5 (1) and SK Putrajaya Presint 18 (1), saying that he was impressed by how parents were followed the SOPs as well as the children’s confidence in attending classes.
In the post’s comment section, netizens shared their thoughts on schools reopening, with some saying that it was good to see the kids back to school again.

A netizen suggested that parents should continue practicing the habit of sending their children to the school gate as it positively impacts the young ones.

Others wished that the situation will improve and allow everyone to go back to school without any worries.

Do you think it is safe for students to go back to school? Leave your opinion(s) below!

Sources: (ChinaPress)
Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh