
‘Mentega Terbang’ Director & Scriptwriter Get Death Threats, Have Cars Splashed With Acid And Paint

Police reports have been made.
The director and scriptwriter of controversial film ‘Mentega Terbang’ were given several death threats and had paint and acid splashed on their cars.

This was first reported by journalist Hadi Azmi on Twitter, who uploaded several photos showing the extent of the damage inflicted.

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Got death threats, cars damaged with paint and acid

In the photos, it showed several death threats that were delivered to ‘Mentega Terbang’ director Khairi Anwar Jailani and scriptwriter Arjun Thanaraju.

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One of them reads, “Don’t challenge Islam”, while another reads, “You and your family must die.”

Their cars were also splashed with acid and paint, which may result in thousands of Ringgit in repairs.

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Khairi and Thanaraju’s lawyer Zaid Malek told Malay Mail that they have both lodged a police report over the matter.

“Khairi also received a text message from an unknown number telling him that ‘today it’s your car, after this if I see you on the streets, I’ll get you’.

“He got the call when he was filing the police report about his vandalised car and filed a separate police report over the call,” he said.

Zaid also called upon the government to do all it can to protect the cast and crew of the film.

What measure of protection is the government going to give to these members of the creative community? They did nothing wrong, they just made a movie.

“The movie has been out for a while now. It’s just certain elements that have been sensationalised for either political gain or personal gain but the government has done nothing and now the cast and crew are in danger,” he said.

Ministers outraged

Not long after, several MPs and ministers have come forward condemning the incident.

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Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil wrote on Twitter that he strongly condemned the threats and any illegal actions.

“Malaysians must obey the law, do not take actions that can damage property or threaten lives. Follow the law, don’t take matters into your own hands.”

Echoing his sentiments was Muar MP and MUDA president Syed Saddiq, who wrote that Islam never condoned violent behavior and that “extremists should be stopped at once.”

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Since its release, ‘Mentega Terbang’ has found itself in a storm of controversy after it was accused of propagating anti-Islam sentiments and violating local sensitivities.


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