
Indonesian Man Stabs Another Man 15 Times Over ‘Chicken Or Egg First’ Debate

Whenever we hang out with friends, we would often engage in banter or riddles in order to lighten up the mood.

Tragically for a man in Indonesia, what started off as a harmless debate over the topic of whether the chicken or egg came first lead to his brutal death at the hand of another man who got angry in the process.

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Indonesian man stabbed 15 times over ‘chicken or egg first’ debate

According to Indonesian news outlet Kompas, the incident took place on July 24 in a village in South Sulawesi.

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Indonesian man stabbed over chicken egg debate
Photo via Kumpuran

It also reported that it involved two men named DR and Kadir Markus, who were drinking together before the stabbing.

According to Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Muna Police AKP La Ode Arsangka, he told Kumpuran that DR and Kadir didn’t know each other.

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While drinking, they began exchanging jokes and riddles with each other, which included the ageless debate of whether the chicken or egg came first.

Amidst the debate, things got heated and DR stormed back home to retrieve a sharp weapon before stabbing Kadir 15 times with it, leading to his immediate demise.

Weapon used to stab man in chicken egg debate
Photo via Kumpuran

Surrendered to police

After the stabbing, local residents who saw the stabbing unfold rushed Kadir to the hospital in an attempt to save his life but it proved to be futile.

As for DR, he fled on his motorcycle but later turned himself in to police.

Tongkuno Police Chief Iptu Abdul Hasan told Kompas that the case is now being probed for murder.

Man who stabbed friend over debate
Photo via Kumpuran


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