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Man In China Spends RM1.85mil To Make His House Look Like Crayon Shin-chan’s

So pretty.
Most anime fans channel their passion into collecting merchandise, attending conventions, or maybe cosplaying their favourite characters.

But for one young man in China, his love for Crayon Shin-chan became something much bigger—something real.

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Shen Yuhao, a native of Zhejiang Province, took his childhood love for the quirky anime and turned it into a project that not only brought smiles to fans but also breathed life into his sleepy hometown.

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Shin chan house
Photo via Record China

He built a life-sized replica of the Nohara family home—a project that cost 3 million yuan (about RM1.85 million) and quickly became a viral sensation and tourist hotspot, reported Record China.

‘What if we could build Shin-chan’s house?’

Growing up, Crayon Shin-chan was Shen’s go-to comfort show, but he never imagined it would one day inspire a major tourism project.

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Shin chan house
Photo via Record China

After graduating from university, he returned to his remote village in Huzhou City to help with the family’s sheep farm.

But Shen had bigger dreams—he wanted to put his hometown on the map.

The idea came during a late-night brainstorming session with his creative team, all of whom happened to be Crayon Shin-chan fans too.

“What if we could build Shin-chan’s house?” someone joked. That joke quickly turned into a serious plan, and Shen decided to go all in.

Everything was custom-made to match the anime

Shin chan house
Photo via Record China

Shen knew he couldn’t do it alone.

To ensure the house was an authentic replica, he and his team made multiple trips to Shanghai to meet with the exclusive licensing agency for Crayon Shin-chan.

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They secured the necessary permissions and received detailed reference materials to guide their work.

Every detail mattered. From the roof tiles to the furniture, everything was custom-made to match the anime.

Shin chan house
Photo via Record China

What started with a modest budget soon ballooned to over 3 million yuan.

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Shin chan house 6
Photo via Record China
Shin chan house
Screenshot via TikTok/@twygjp

Shen admits he couldn’t have done it without his mother’s unwavering support. “Thankfully, my mother backed me completely, giving me the funds to make this dream come true,” he shared.

A project that revived a village

Shin chan house
Screenshot via TikTok/@twygjp

Shen’s passion didn’t just create a tourist attraction; it revitalised his entire community.

The local government saw the potential of the Nohara House and stepped in to improve road access and include it in a larger tourism plan for the village.

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Visitors began flocking to Yun Duo Farm, bringing much-needed economic activity to the area.

“Shen’s vision is inspiring, especially coming from someone so young. But I never thought he’d actually build the Nohara House!” a village official said, reflecting on the impact Shen’s project had on the community.

Shin chan house 6
Photo via Record China

For Shen, the Nohara House is just the beginning. With tourism thriving, he’s already planning his next big projects: a replica of Shin-chan’s Futaba Kindergarten and even a full-scale version of Kasukabe, the anime’s fictional town.

His goal is to create an immersive world for fans while continuing to boost his village’s economy.


天吶!蠟筆小新的家被1:1搬進了現實 蠟筆小新

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