Society Exclusive

Mamak Workers Seen Fighting Outside Mamak Stall In Kampar

They resumes their duties afterward.
A video showing a fight among workers right outside a mamak has gone viral on the internet.

According to a XiaoHongShu post, the video depicts several workers quarreling and pushing each other at a mamak located in Kampar, Perak.

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Fight stopped by other worker

In the video, one worker managed to hit another in the face, and another worker try to hit him back while a man in white tries to join the fight.

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Mamak workers seen fighting outside mamak
Image via XHS/白白的猪肉

As they fought and moved around, the customer behind them had to stand up and move out of the way.

However, the fight was interrupted by another worker who forcefully separated them by grabbing them by the collar.

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Many of the workers can be heard shouting in Tamil during the altercation. Even after the fight stopped, some continued to shout intermittently.

Started the fight inside

Speaking to WeirdKaya, the publisher of the post shared that the incident took place on July 12 around 9:30 PM.

He is a regular customer here, and he realized the boss who usually monitors the place was not around as frequently as usual. He suspects that’s one of the reasons the fight happened.

The fight started inside with a loud noise, and a group of workers were seen brawling with each other, later moving outside to continue.

A customer stopped the fight

“I think it is very bad for business as some customers were visibly startled, and some even left the scene,” he added.

He said the fight ended when one of the Malay customers intervened and stopped the fight, saying there were kids around.

“I would still consider eating there because the food is good, and I would like to see if there are any further developments.”

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