Economy rice or “chap fan” is a lunchtime favourite among Malaysians, where they can pick from a myriad of dishes to go with a plate of white rice. As the name suggests, the price is meant to be economical and not burn a hole in your wallet.
However, many have grumbled that the price of economy rice has increased and no longer follows its original concept of offering affordable meals for diners.
A customer named KC Kong Chung took to Facebook to express his anger after he was charged RM11 for a plate of economy rice with only two types of vegetables and fried egg,

He posted a photo of his meal with the following caption:
“I guess this is a 5-star economy rice. Two types of veggies and a fried egg dish cost me RM11. I’m honoured to have such a luxurious plate of economy rice.”
Before he paid, he asked the stall owner how it amounted to RM11. The owner answered by saying that each dish costs RM3.50 and that there are were three dishes in total.
The owner added he has already given KC a discount because the actual amount was RM11.50.

Speechless over the owner’s reply, KC ended the post by declaring that he would never patronize the stall anymore.
Upon seeing his post, netizens swarmed to the comment section to discuss about the incident.
Surprisingly, some agreed that RM11 was reasonable as there were many dishes on the plate.

Others took the opportunity to “rub it in” by showing off the cheap economy rice they had.

What are your thoughts on this plate of economy rice? Share with us in the comment section below!
Cover image from Facebook/ KC Kong Chung and

Sources: (Facebook/ KC Kong Chung)
Editor: Raymond Chen
Proofreader: Sarah Yeoh