Society Exclusive

Jalur Gemilang Seen Hanging At Half-Mast & Upside Down Outside TRX 

TRX has responded to WeirdKaya's queries.

UPDATE 5 FEB 2024.

Speaking to WeirdKaya, TRX stated that the top clip of the flag was broken, causing it to hang upside down. The management team noticed the issue and immediately rectified it this morning.

In a surprising oversight on Sunday (4th Feb), the TRX mall witnessed an unusual display of the Jalur Gemilang, which was hung upside down and at half-mast.

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This incident, occurring around 5-6 pm, was first sighted by a vigilant reader of WeirdKaya, Mr. Lim, who also attempted to notify the mall’s management via their official Instagram account, though without success.

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Trx mall jalur gemilang upside down
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

“I immediately tagged TRX mall when I saw the flag being hung upside down, but they did not see my message,” he said.

Video provided to WeirdKaya

Why it is NOT ok to hang Jalur Gemilang upside down

The act of hanging the Jalur Gemilang upside down is not only a breach of flag etiquette but also carries potential legal consequences.

In Malaysia, although there are no distinct laws specifically addressing the mistreatment of the Jalur Gemilang, disrespectful actions towards the flag may result in prosecution under different provisions of the Penal Code and the Minor Offences Act 1955.

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Such charges include fines, jail time, or both for insults and provocation disturbing public peace or for using network facilities to improperly share images of the flag.

Furthermore, displaying the Jalur Gemilang in an inverted position could also be considered a violation under Section 504 of the Penal Code, which deals with deliberate insult to incite a breach of peace.

Recently, stern warnings have been issued against such disrespect, emphasizing that the flag must be honored and no compromises made for violations of protocols, even if apologies are offered​.

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