
‘Like A Mall’ — Indonesian Man Praises M’sian R&R Toilet For How Clean It Is

Finally, some good news about public toilets.
Public toilets in Malaysia have long had a notorious reputation among locals and tourists alike due to its unbearable stench and less-than-desirable level of cleanliness.

However, a man from Indonesia was full of praise for a public toilet located at a rest and service (R&R) stop, where he likened it to a mall and voiced hope that his home country would provide similar amenities as well.

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Indonesian man praises M’sian R&R toilet for its cleanliness

In a close to two-minute clip shared on X (formerly Twitter) by @anthraxxx781, it showed the Indonesian man dressed in a floral patterned shirt taking his viewers on a tour of a public toilet at an R&R.

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Indonesian man gives tour of m'sian toilet
Screenshot via X/@anthraxxx781

However, it’s not known where the R&R was located.

First, he started off by showing a row of vending machines which provided drinks for travelers who got thirsty from their journey.

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He then moved on the main highlight of the clip — the toilet itself.

For a majority of the clip, the Indonesian man was gushing over how brightly lit and clean the toilet was. He even seemed amazed that tissue paper and soap was provided too.

Indonesian man shows soap and tissue paper at public toilet
Screenshots via X/@anthraxxx781

Towards the end of the clip, the man said that he “prays (toilets in) Indonesia will be like this too”.

Mixed reactions

While it was certainly rather flattering to see the Indonesian man shower so much praise on the cleanliness of the public toilet, some netizens seemed a tad skeptical of how long it would last.

One wrote that public toilets at R&R stops should always be this clean as Malaysians had already paid for it.

'like a mall' — indonesian man praises m'sian r&r toilet for how clean it is comment 1
Screenshot via X/@anthraxxx781

Another added that it was a “fortunate” that the Indonesian man didn’t use public toilets located along the east coast of Malaysia.

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'like a mall' — indonesian man praises m'sian r&r toilet for how clean it is comment 2
Screenshot via X/@anthraxxx781

However, some were slightly more optimistic, with one saying that it was a small step forward towards maintaining clean public toilets.

'like a mall' — indonesian man praises m'sian r&r toilet for how clean it is comment 3
Screenshot via X/@anthraxxx781

Meanwhile, another joked that the cleaner probably washed the toilet before the Indonesian man used it.

'like a mall' — indonesian man praises m'sian r&r toilet for how clean it is comment 4
Screenshot via X/@anthraxxx781

Watch the clip here:

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