
M’sians Who Abuse Indonesian Domestic Helpers Will Be Barred From Entering The Country

No compromise.

Indonesian is looking to ban Malaysians who mistreat Indonesian domestic helpers from entering the country.

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According to New Straits Times (NST), Indonesian ambassador to Malaysia, Hermono said that 5 Malaysians are currently in danger of being blacklisted over alleged mistreatment.

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He also added that the embassy would ensure that their country’s authorities would put them on a blacklist and bar them from travelling to Indonesia.

M'sians who abuse indonesian domestic helpers will be barred from entering the country
Image via The Star

Denied employing & refusing to pay worker

This comes after the acquittal of Radian Abu Hadzim and his wife Rosnajihah Ramli from charges of human trafficking on Dec 9.

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The two Malaysians had denied employing an Indonesian maid named Yai Karyati seven years ago. They were also accused of refusing to pay her salary totaling to RM84,000.

‘This is common practice’

Hermono said that barring abusive employers isn’t something new in Indonesia.

Banning foreign citizens to enter our territory means that they are not welcome in our country, which is a common policy.

M'sians who abuse indonesian domestic helpers will be barred from entering the country
Image via Kompas

“Many Indonesians are also banned from entering Malaysia because they worked illegally in Malaysia and we don’t object to this policy as it is the sovereign right of the country,” he told NST.

He also emphasised that Indonesia will not compromise with abusive employers.

However, he said the ban will not be enforced on those who have paid the consequences and paid the salary owed to their employee. 

Abuse of Indonesian workers still occurring

Subsequently, Hermono said that despite numerous discussions between Malaysian and Indonesian leaders, the issue of Indonesian domestic workers being abused continues to happen.

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“Even President Joko Widodo always raises this issue every time he meets Malaysian leaders. Unfortunately, abuse of our workers continue to happen.

M'sians who abuse indonesian domestic helpers will be barred from entering the country | weirdkaya
Photo via Berita Harian

“We are open to discussion with Malaysian authorities to find the best solution to this issue,” he said.

He added that Indonesia remains open to discussions in order to maintain bilateral ties between the two countries.


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