
I Was Burnt Out From Corporate Life & It Led Me To Find Meaning In Photography As A Full-Time Photographer

"Photography has led me to places and stories I never imagined."
Sue Anne never imagined she’d ever become a photographer as she had never owned a camera until she was 25.

But one day, completely burnt out from her corporate job, Sue Anne made a bold decision to quit it altogether and bought her first camera, a spontaneous purchase which sparked a newfound passion that transformed her life in ways she never anticipated.

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I was burnt out from corporate life & it led me to find meaning in photography as a full-time photographer | weirdkaya
Photo credit: @womenphotographersmy

Leaving the corporate world

One can hardly imagine a person leaving a cushy market research job for the uncertainty of a freelance career, but that’s exactly what Sue Anne did at the age of 25.

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Having earned a degree in accounting, she spent three intense years in the corporate world, only to find herself succumbing to the toll of the demanding agency life.

“I learned a lot, I got to travel around for work as a market researcher, but the burnout was also very real. The long hours, often stretching until 2am, made me realize that this line wasn’t for me.”

“Coincidentally, my office had a stunning view of sunsets and I often thought to myself: ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if I were out there enjoying it?’ That was fueled my desire for a fresh change.”

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Armed with half a year’s worth of savings, Sue Anne decided to quit her job without having a concrete plan at hand.

Thankfully, she had several freelance work that kept her afloat while she went for a 6-month break.

Many photos, little expectation

During the break, Sue Anne had total freedom to slow down and truly explore her passions.

She kept her expenses minimal while embracing a carefree lifestyle.

Photography was really a happy accident for me. During her six-month break, Sue Anne immersed herself in photography and even rediscovered her hometown of Kedah with a newfound appreciation.

“Growing up in an Asian household, I’ve always been taught not to talk to strangers, but now it looks like I’m doing the complete opposite by talking to strangers and capturing their stories.”

“My camera became my ‘ticket’ to adventure, taking me to every state in Malaysia and places I had never visited before,” she said.

I was burnt out from corporate life & it led me to find meaning in photography as a full-time photographer | weirdkaya
Photo credit: @womenphotographersmy

Whenever Sue Anne had the time, she would drive to various states, eager to explore new locations and capture their unique beauty through her lens.

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These experiences further deepened her love for photography, showing her the profound impact her passion could have on other people’s lives.

From hobby to profession

During this time, Sue Anne posted her photos online with no expectations but simply out of enjoyment for the creative process.

But as time passed, what started out as a hobby slowly evolved into a lifelong passion, leading Sue Anne to be involved in portrait photography, street photography to fashion photography, giving her ample opportunities to learn and grow.

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What began as a hobby soon garnered attention. Sue Anne’s photos posted online attracted commissions, and within six months, she was a full-time photographer.

Her dedication and talent led to an incredible opportunity: becoming a Sony Alpha Guru.

“In less than a year, Sony reached out to me to be a Sony Alpha Guru. For me, it’s not so much of me teaching, but to share my self-learning journey with the others which I believe could be very relatable.”

I was burnt out from corporate life & it led me to find meaning in photography as a full-time photographer | weirdkaya
Photo credit: @womenphotographersmy

Now, six years into her photography career, Sue Anne treasures the balance she has found.

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She currently owns a photography studio and has built a loyal client base that truly appreciates her artistic vision and dedication.

Some of her favourite genres include creative portraits and car photography.

“There are some days when I don’t feel like picking up the camera and I briefly fall out of love with photography.”

“Social media can be disheartening, where we constantly chase after likes. I soon learnt that it is really unhealthy to compare myself with others and to measure the quality of my work by the number of likes,” she shared.

Prioritizing client satisfaction, Sue Anne chooses to focus on creating personalized and meaningful work that resonates with her clients, rather than seeking social media validation.

This approach has allowed her to cultivate a rewarding and sustainable career in photography.

‘The only goal here is Happiness’

Sue Anne takes pride in her client-centered approach, tailoring each project to meet the unique needs and vision of her clients.

Her collaborative process ensures that every shoot is not only professionally executed but also deeply meaningful.

I was burnt out from corporate life & it led me to find meaning in photography as a full-time photographer | weirdkaya
Photo credit: @womenphotographersmy

Alongside her dedication to creating resonant work for her clients, she also invests her time in projects that give back to the community, such as photographing for old folks’ homes and refugees.

She emphasizes the importance of happiness in her work.

“My focus isn’t on chasing accolades; those are just bonuses and come as a natural result of doing what I love. Doing photography makes me happy, and that’s why I do it.

“IF you plan to go down a similar path, maybe consider taking on photography projects during your free time while still in the corporate world,” Sue Anne suggests.

“This approach lowers the risk and allows you to gradually build your skills and portfolio. Once you have a stable foundation and feel the time is right,  then make the transition. This will definitely make the process less scary and more rewarding in the long run.”

I was burnt out from corporate life & it led me to find meaning in photography as a full-time photographer | weirdkaya
Sue Anne (Campaign Photographer) & team Women Photographers Malaysia on set for the first ever Victoria’s Secret Campaign in Malaysia. Photo credit: @womenphotographersmy


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