Ever since I got my first real handphone at the age of 16 (still considerably late by my peers’ standards), the first app I downloaded was WhatsApp as it was one of the biggest messaging app at the time.
Down through the years, I’ve never strayed from this habit every time I changed my handphone. The downloading pattern was always the same: WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram.
But there was one aspect that often bothered me: why doesn’t WhatsApp offer an option where I can send messages to myself, especially when I’m unable to remember multiple tasks at the same time?
As such, you can imagine my relief and excitement when WhatsApp finally unveiled its latest “self message” feature, where you can basically, well, message yourself. #prayersanswered
I have since given the feature a try and found three areas which proved it to be of great help:
1. Passwords
Oh, those pesky little alphabets you have to cobble together whenever you register for an account. And if that isn’t bad enough, the real pain in the butt comes when you can’t seem to remember your password and have to reset it.
As a working adult who has multiple accounts across various platforms for different uses, being able to text myself all of my passwords is extremely helpful as I don’t have to go through the stressful motion of racking my brains to recall what weird combination I made.
2. To-do lists
While my IC says that I’m in my late 20s, sometimes my brain’s capability is that of mashed potatoes. Just plain mush.
And in recent years, I’ve also been having trouble remembering even the simplest tasks. Thankfully, not remembering to brush my teeth isn’t on the list…yet.
I’ve tried to come up with a to-do list and follow it religiously but it has been futile so far as I have this terrible knack for misplacing things. And with to-do lists usually written on tiny sticky notes, the chances of it going missing is rather high.
Which is why I honestly think WhatsApp’s self-message feature a godsent as I’m able to type in a to-do list as long as needed without having to worry whether I’ll having enough space for it.
On top of that, the list will always be with me as it’s stored inside my handphone (or WhatsApp in this case) so there’s no way it’s going missing. *fingers crossed*
3. Talking to yourself…?
While this concept is rather strange, crazy even, to extroverts, self-talk is actually a sacred place of solace for introverts like myself.
I’m one who’s not fond of engaging in long conversations (unless it’s with close friends) as it drains my social battery rather quickly. As such, I need to find a space that allows me to recharge physically and mentally and one way to do so is by talking to myself.
Self-talk can either be done verbally or silently, and for the latter, this is where WhatsApp’s self-message feature comes in.
Whenever I type out and send the messages to myself, I have this warm, peaceful feeling bubbling inside me as I know that I can fully say what’s on my mind without being judged because I’m talking to…myself.
All in all, I find WhatsApp’s latest self-message feature to be really helpful in keeping track of my tasks and therapeutic during times when I just wanted to shut the world out and have a solo session with myself.
My only complain? Why didn’t they do it sooner?!
What has your experience been with this latest feature so far? Let us know in the comments!