
Fighting Fish Given As Door Gift At Wedding, M’sians Divided Over It

🐟: Surprise! I’m your new housemate now.
We’ve seen wedding door gifts go from traditional souvenirs to practical house essentials like rice packets and cooking oil.

But here’s a couple that decided to truly swim against the tide with a “bloop-bloop” surprise for their guests.

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Recently, a Malaysian wedding guest shared his excitement on social media after receiving a colourful fighting fish as a door gift.

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Yes, you heard that right! Instead of the usual trinkets, guests at this wedding were treated to a little fishy friend to take home.

Red plastic abg fileld with fish packets
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

The video was shared by the OP on X (formerly known as Twitter), capturing the unusual but delightful moment.

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In the 17-second clip, the OP shows a table filled with various gifts, and to the side, you can see small boxes neatly arranged.

But the star of the show? Large red plastic bags filled with transparent packets, each containing a vibrant fighting fish.

Red plasred plastic abg fileld with fish packetstic abg fileld with fish packets
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

The OP captioned the video: “This door gift is something else – cost-effective and doesn’t break the bank.”

The post quickly caught the attention of netizens, with many joining the conversation in the comments section.

One person shared their own experience of attending the same wedding, writing: “I went to the same event yesterday. My kids were so happy to receive the fish.”

Fighting fish given as door gift at wedding, m'sians divided over it
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

However, not everyone was thrilled by the idea.

Some netizens raised concerns about the welfare of the fish, pointing out that giving live animals as gifts might not be the best choice.

One concerned commenter said: “Animals aren’t toys. If you want to keep a pet, you need to do it properly.”

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Fighting fish given as door gift at wedding, m'sians divided over it (2)
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

Another added: “Sorry, I don’t agree with giving fish as door gifts. Caring for fish requires knowledge and responsibility, just like any other pet. Giving them to random people could lead to their death. We need to educate ourselves.”

Fighting fish given as door gift at wedding, m'sians divided over it (3)
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

Someone else noted: “I feel sorry for the fish. Many people think fighting fish are easy to care for and just throw them in a small bowl or tank. But they actually need a spacious environment to thrive.”

Fighting fish given as door gift at wedding, m'sians divided over it (4)
Screenshot via X/mhmmdhsm

What do you think about this unique door gift? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Here is the full post:


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