
Female Tourist Caught On CCTV Squatting Dangerously On Escalator Handrail At Penang Hill

Escalators are straightforward to use, but recently, a visitor at Penang Hill demonstrated exactly how not to use them.

In a bizarre incident captured on CCTV, a woman was seen squatting on the handrails of a downward escalator, prompting Penang Hill to issue a stern safety reminder.

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Woman performed dangerous escalator stunt

Penang Hill, a well-known tourist hotspot, shared the footage on their Facebook page, emphasizing the dangers of such reckless behaviour.

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Their message was clear: “Safety reminder for the use of the escalator. PHC advises all visitors not to step on the escalator handrail belt, as this poses a safety hazard to yourself and others.”

This baffling action not only puts the individual at risk but also endangers other visitors. PHC further urged everyone to act responsibly and follow the safety rules to avoid any accidents.

“Kindly refrain from any behaviour that may cause harm to others. Please adhere to the safety rules at all time when visiting the hill.,” added PHC in their post.

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