
Ex-M’sian Drug Addict Shares How His Dream To Score 8As For PMR Made Him Hooked To Meth

Slippery slope.
Everyone wants to do well in their exams, and some would do anything it takes to achieve just that, even if it means leading them down a dark path.

For this former drug addict, his life was nearly upended after he turned to methamphetamine as a means to score well for a major exam but managed to turn it around thanks to his family.

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Bag of meth
For illustration purposes only. Photo via MedlinePlus

Used meth to try scoring 8As for SPM

In an interview with Sinar Harian at the 2023 National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) Media Retreat Program in Sungai Besi, the 25-year-old civil servant known as Ammar said he first started using meth at the age of 15.

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“I first experimented with meth while living in a hostel with the aim of scoring 8As for PMR as the drug is believed to enhance energy levels, allowing me to study for longer periods.

“However, my meth use continued well into the time I was working in a pharmacy and when I got married,” he said.

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Ex-m'sian drug addict shares how his dream to score 8as for pmr made him hooked to meth
Photo via Sinar Harian

Went into rehab at wife’s urging

Concerned for her husband’s wellbeing, Ammar’s wife advised him to seek rehabilitation, something which he initially found very hard to do.

At first, it was tough to accept the suggestion, but eventually I gave in out of love for my wife, children, and family.

“Throughout my 10 months at the Narcotics Addiction Rehabilitation Centre (PUSPEN), I never expected I could change as I thought it was just a detoxification program to overcome drug addiction.

“It later turned out that PUSPEN had a lot of beneficial activities and to be honest, this place has been instrumental in helping me change and become a better person, and ultimately leading a normal life,” he said.

Puspen centre in melaka
Photo via Berita Harian

Ammar added that he doesn’t regret making the choice to check himself into PUSPEN and thanked the staff and fellow residents for their help and support.

As the saying goes, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’, and the same goes to breaking bad habits/addictions as long as you set your mind on it!


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