Oyen & Friends Exclusive

Cat Seen Chilling While Waiting For Its Order To Be Served At Mamak Stall

"Saya nak order juga!"
In an adorable twist of events, a cat was spotted at a mamak table, appearing to patiently wait for the “mamak abang” to take its order.

The charming scene was captured on video and shared on Xiaohongshu by a netizen, quickly garnering attention for the cat’s laid-back demeanor like a true mamak kaki.

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“Saya nak order juga”

Cat sitting at mamak (2)
Image via XHS/阿mong

The video shows the cat seated between two people, with an empty table in front of it.

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The feline, with a look of casual familiarity, glances around as if expecting the mamak staff to come and take its order.

The relaxed posture of the cat suggests it is quite at home in the bustling environment, enjoying a leisurely evening at the popular eatery.

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The sight of the cat seemingly waiting for a late-night meal has brought smiles and laughter to many, adding a touch of whimsy to the typical mamak experience.

A regular at the mamak

Speaking to WeirdKaya, the video publisher shared that the scene took place at a mamak stall in Bandar Gamuda Gardens.

He mentioned that the cat is a regular that lives nearby, and the mamak staff never get rid of him. The customers seem to like it.

The staff only smiled at him that day when they noticed their feline companion.

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