Current Affairs

BN MPs Reportedly Will Sign SD with PH At UMNO’s Headquarters 

Plot twist xN.

According to a report by Sin Chew Daily, a source from BN revealed that MPs from PH and BN will be signing a statutory declaration (SD) to support Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia at UMNO’s Headquarters tomorrow (22 Nov) at 9am.

The source responded to reporters’ questions by saying SD will be signed, instead of having a supreme council meeting tomorrow.

This is in contra to Johor’s MB Onn Hafiz Ghazi‘s statement on Facebook earlier, saying the party will be organising a supreme council meeting tonight.

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UMNO’s supreme council meeting scheduled at 8pm tonight was also reportedly cancelled. This is the second time they cancel the meeting after another meeting scheduled at 3pm yesterday (20 Nov).

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