
Ambulance Driver Stops For Pisang Goreng While Sending Patient To The Hospital

The patient had been experiencing breathing difficulties.

An ambulance driver in Nakhon Nayok, Thailand has come under scrutiny after he made an unexpected pit stop to pick up fried bananas from a roadside stall, all while transporting a patient to the hospital.

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This incident was reported by Thai PBS World.

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In response to the event, the hospital took swift action, sending a representative to apologize to the patient’s family.

Ambulance driver stops for pisang goreng while sending patient to the hospital | weirdkaya
For illustration purposes only. Photo from Freepik

The patient, Sommai Thongkerd, 64, had been experiencing breathing difficulties and was en route to the hospital on October 13 when this happened.

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Order online and pick up

The driver reportedly pre-ordered the fried bananas online and instructed the seller to be ready as he’d be passing by.

Sommai’s daughter, Suchada Mali, 32, who was accompanying her ailing father in the ambulance, observed the whole scene.

It became public knowledge after Suchada voiced her concerns on social media when her complaints to the hospital went unaddressed.

However, the hospital was quick to state that the ambulance had only stopped for a mere three seconds.

Fortunately, Sommai received the necessary medical attention at the hospital and was discharged the next day in stable condition.


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