
6yo M’sian Boy Wows Many By Speaking 17 Languages Including Arabic, Japanese & Russian

Impressive! 👏
Language is more than just a means of communication; it is a gateway to different cultures, histories, and ways of thinking. The ability to speak multiple languages opens doors to understanding and connecting with people from diverse backgrounds.

This idea is perfectly illustrated by the incredible story of a young boy who has captured the hearts of many online.

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A heartwarming video of a six-year-old child counting and speaking in various languages with his grandfather has captured the attention of netizens around the world.

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6yo M’sian boy wows many by speaking 17 languages

M chatriyan writing in jawi
Photo via Sinar Harian

The video, which was first uploaded on the TikTok account @sarmilakrishna87, quickly went viral. The young boy, M Chatriyan, is impressively fluent in not just one or two, but a total of 17 languages.

Chatriyan’s father, M Moganasuntharan, a 37-year-old accountant, proudly shared that his eldest child is in the process of mastering an extensive array of languages.

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These include Malay, Arabic, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Spanish, Urdu, Tamil, Korean, and Russian, among others.

“Since Chatriyan was two years old, he has been exposed to reading materials and counting applications in various languages,” Moganasuntharan explained.

“He’s now addicted to writing, counting, and reading, always armed with a blank paper and a pencil.”

Books and stationery are his best friends

Unlike many children his age who prefer toys and video games, Chatriyan’s interests are decidedly academic, reported Sinar Harian.

M chatriyan with his parents
Photo via Sinar Harian

His father shared that Chatriyan’s best friends are books and stationery, and his enthusiasm for learning is constantly encouraged through educational programs like ‘Duolingo ABC’ and mind-challenging quizzes.

“Chatriyan does not like playing with toys like other children his age. Instead, he prefers to study reading materials and write letters to remember them,” Moganasuntharan said.

The family’s commitment to fostering Chatriyan’s remarkable talents has led to some surprising discoveries. “

His memory is so incredible that my wife and I often have to refer back to new words and syllables he speaks,” Moganasuntharan revealed.

“What is amazing is that every word and sentence Chatriyan constructs accurately matches the actual language.”

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