No one likes it when their rent gets increased as it places a heavier financial burden on themselves.
An elderly man in Taiwan brutally murdered his landlady after an argument broke out between them over an increase in rent before surrendering to police.
67yo Taiwan man stabs landlady more than 10 times over rent increase
According to ET Today, the incident took place yesterday (Oct 29) in New Taipei City, where it involved 67-year-old Zhang and his landlady surnamed Hong.

As reported by the news outlet, Zhang had been renting a place to stay with his disabled 19-year-old son from Hong since July for NT$6,000 (approx. RM823) a month.
Unfortunately, they didn’t exactly enjoy a cordial relationship as Hong would often confront Zhang about the noise he allegedly made. In fact, police were called to the scene at least 10 times.
On top of that, Hong also allegedly insisted that the utility and internet bills be split between them and asked for an additional NT$3,000 (approx. RM411) in rent to be paid.

On the fateful day, Hong confronted Zhang over the electricity bill, causing him to become frustrated.
He then told her that he no longer wished to rent from her and demanded that she give him back his NT$15,000 (approx. RM2,000) deposit as well as additional compensation.
When Hong refused to have any of it and cursed Zhang out, an argument broke out and Zhang went to his room, where he emerged with a 60-centimetre-long modified fish knife and stabbed Hong over 10 times on her head, back, and neck.

As Hong laid dying on the ground, Zhang allegedly strangled her until she was no longer breathing.
Turned himself in to police
Following the brutal murder, Zhang went to take a shower and threw away his blood-stained clothes before heading to the police station to confess to the crime.
A forensic team was subsequently dispatched to the scene while police recorded Zhang’s statement.

As Zhang was arrested and handcuffed by police, he reportedly got worked up and kept mumbling “I surrendered myself” repeatedly.
He faces up to 10 years in prison or the death penalty if found guilty of murder.