
61yo M’sian Man Loses Over RM44K After Woman Threatens To Leak His Nude Clip

A dark secret.
We’ve always been told to be careful when we converse with strangers online as it can lead to unwanted consequences that will shame us for life.

A 61-year-old pensioner was left RM44,500 poorer after a woman that he came to know online threatened to circulate a clip of him showing off his private part online.

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61yo M’sian man loses over RM44K in nude clip threat

According to Jempol district police chief Superintendent Hoo Chang Hook, he said the victim first got to know the woman the Facebook Messenger app on May 29 while he was at home, reported NST.

Jempol district police chief superintendent hoo chang hook
Photo via Utusan

Five days later, he got a video call from the woman while he was behind the wheel of a car. During the call, the victim took off his pants and showed his private parts in the one-minute call.

Not long after, the victim was sent a clip which showed his face and private parts. Fearing that others would catch sight of it, he quickly deleted the clip.

On June 4, he was sent the same clip again and the woman, who claimed to be from Indonesia, threatened to leak the clip unless he paid 15 million Rupiah (RM45,000) to have it wiped out from existence.

Man covering his crotch
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

After much negotiation and pleading, the woman demanded RM2,000 and left the victim alone after the payment was made.

Unfortunately, that didn’t put an end to the nightmare as the victim continued to be threatened by the woman June 5 until June 7.

Desperate to put an end to it, Hoo said the victim made five transactions to three different bank accounts, totaling RM42,500 via money transfers.

The final threat the victim received came in the form of the woman demanding RM58,500, which the former ignored as he had completely run out of money.

A police report was later at the Bandar Seri Jempol police station and the case is being probed under Section 384 of the Penal Code for extortion.


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