
4yo M’sian Girl Falls From 16th Floor Of Apartment, Doesn’t Survive

If you live in an apartment or any form of high-rise buildings, it’s important to ensure that you know where are your children’s whereabouts as they might climb onto dangerous areas and endanger their safety.

Sadly, this was the case for a young girl who tragically lost her life after she plunged multiple levels down to the ground at an apartment in Putrajaya earlier today (Jul 16).

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4yo M’sian girl falls from 16th floor of apartment

In a report by MalaysiaGazette, the unfortunate incident took place at a housing unit in Phase 12, Precinct 9, Putrajaya, early this morning.

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4yo m'sian girl falls from 16th floor in putrajaya
Photo via MalaysiaGazette

The news portal also reported that the victim, a 4-year-old girl, had allegedly fallen from the 16th floor of the apartment.

Putrajaya district police chief Assistant Commissioner A. Asmadi Abd Aziz said police received a MERS 999 call regarding the incident at around 7.50am and a team was dispatched to the scene at Block 12 E3.

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Initial investigations at the location found that the victim, is believed to have fallen from the 16th floor of the housing unit.

“She was then taken to the Putrajaya Hospital for further treatment. However, at around 8.52am, the police were informed by a medical officer that the severely injured victim had passed away,” he said when contacted by MalaysiaGazette.

Putrajaya district police chief assistant commissioner a. Asmadi abd aziz
Photo via Utusan

Aziz added that police also found blood stains at the building lobby where the victim was found to have fallen.

Investigations are still ongoing as police await the autopsy results that would shed more light on the cause behind the 4-year-old’s death.

Our condolences to the victim’s family for their loss and to all parents, please make sure that you know where your children are and take necessary steps to protect them from such tragedies.


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