
2yo M’sian Boy Impresses Netizens With His Order-Taking Skills At Family Stall

So cute!
Life can get really busy, especially for parents trying to juggle work and taking care of their kids. But there’s one family that’s melting hearts online with their sweet story about their two-year-old son helping out in their family business.

The video, which has since gone viral with over 80k views, showcases young Malek enthusiastically taking food orders at his family’s stall. People online are totally hyped about this. They’re loving how he’s stepping up and taking charge.

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Malek from pondok minang
Screenshot via TikTok/@pondokminang.hq

Malek isn’t just helping out once in a while; he’s like a regular pro at the family business.

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Malek from pondok minang
Screenshot via TikTok/@pondokminang.hq

His dad is super proud, saying Malek handles stuff with care and counts like a champ, which is pretty impressive for a kid his age.

“Every day before school, Malek heads to the table, counts everything perfectly. People sometimes can’t believe it, but Malek’s really smart. He’s independent too; he likes doing things himself, even if his handwriting is a bit tricky for us to read,” shares his father.

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‘Well done, little one’

Malek from pondok minang
Screenshot via TikTok/@pondokminang.hq

Lots of people are talking about the adorable video, giving props to Malek for being so dedicated and hardworking! Comments poured in, all praising the little guy for being such a big help to his parents.

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@pondokminang.hq

Among the comments, one parent humorously shared, “My child is also 2.5 years old, but his job is to mess up the house.”

Netizen comment
Screenshot via TikTok/@pondokminang.hq

Another commenter expressed heartfelt encouragement, saying, “Clever boy, helping his parents. Well done, little one. May you succeed and become a useful person.”

Watch the clip here:

@pondokminang.hq Replying to @nurhamid5_29 hi im Malek's #masakanminang ♬ Very cute melody by marimba tone(39813) – Mitsu Sound


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