Fun Abroad

2yo Chinese Girl Washes Dad’s Macbook After Hearing It Had “Too Much Rubbish” Inside

At least she tried.

Little children are probably one of the most innocent and kindest souls out there, where they wouldn’t hesitate to show their concern in the most unexpected ways.

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A 2-year-old girl in China’s Shandong province unwittingly damaged her dad’s Apple Macbook by washing it with soap and water after hearing him complain about it having “too much rubbish” inside.

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2yo chinese girl washes dad's macbook
Photo via Jimu News

Gave Macbook a ‘shower’

The girl’s mother surnamed Zhang told Jimu News that her daughter had taken the Macbook for a ‘shower’ at around 10am last Thursday (Oct 20).

When she entered the bathroom, she was shocked to see the Macbook soaking in a bucket of soapy water.

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Unfortunately, the Macbook couldn’t be turned on despite her best efforts to dry it.

Watch the video here:

Source: Jimu News

Heard her dad’s complaints

When asked why her daughter washed the Macbook, Zhang said that she had overheard her dad complain that the device had “too much rubbish” inside and wanted to help clean it all away.

According to the father surnamed Wang, he had bought the Macbook three years ago for more than 9,000 yuan (RM5856.67).

2yo chinese girl washes dad's macbook
Photo via Jimu News

“At the time, we didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. We wanted to give her a good spanking but we realised that she was too young to understand what she had done,” he said.

Netizens were equally as amused by the little girl’s ‘destructive’ but well-intended deed, where they said that she should be commended for trying to keep the Macbook clean.

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2yo chinese girl washes dad's macbook after hearing it had "too much rubbish" inside comment 1
Screenshot via Facebook
2yo chinese girl washes dad's macbook after hearing it had "too much rubbish" inside comment 2
Screenshot via Facebook

If you have little kids at home, be careful what you say aloud or they will take it literally!


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