In a heart-wrenching incident that has cast a shadow over the community, a 22-year-old female student from a public higher education institution (IPTA) in Kuala Nerus found herself in dire straits after attempting to conceal the birth of her illegitimate child.
The situation took a tragic turn when she suffered severe bleeding, necessitating urgent medical treatment at a health clinic in the Kemaman district today.
The young woman’s desperate bid to hide her out-of-wedlock childbirth came to light following her admission to the clinic.
The police detained the 22-year-old for allegedly providing false information regarding the birth of her baby boy, who had already passed away.
According to Kosmo!, Kemaman District Police Chief Superintendent Hanyan Ramlan said that initially, the IPTA student from Kuala Nerus claimed to have given birth to the baby at a house in this district at 2 am today.
However, medical personnel at the clinic grew suspicious of her account, especially since the infant was not brought in for examination. This discrepancy led to the involvement of the police.
As a result of police interrogation, the girl finally admitted to giving birth to the baby in a toilet of a house in Paka, Dungun, before being found by her sister,” he said.
Superintendent Hanyan stated that the suspect had wrapped the deceased infant in a white cloth covered in sand and brought him to the clinic, where his death was confirmed.
The suspect confessed to fabricating the birth location out of shame and fear of her parents finding out, both of whom work in the medical field.
She also confessed to having premarital relations with her boyfriend, resulting in pregnancy last year,” he added.
The deceased infant has been sent to the Forensic Unit at Kemaman Hospital for further action, while the mother is receiving treatment in the same hospital.
The case is currently being investigated under Section 182 of the Penal Code.
This incident has sparked a broader conversation on the pressures faced by young women and the need for more supportive structures to help them navigate such challenging situations without fear of stigma or retribution.
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