Fate can sometimes take a cruel and tragic turn, where one’s life is thrown into despair and sorrow due to unexpected circumstances.
This was sadly what happened to a young man who found his life cut short after he was killed in a road accident while on his way to meet his fiancée.
21yo M’sian man killed by lorry while on his way to meet fiancée
According to Berita Harian, the victim, 21-year-old Ahmad Solihin Fazuni, was killed at the scene when the motorcycle he was riding on collided with a lorry at Kilometer 9, Jalan Benta-Jerantut at 1pm yesterday (Apr 21).

Lipis district police chief Superintendent Ismail Man said in a statement that Ahmad Solihin, who worked as a barista, was on his way from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, to return to his workplace at Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
“During the journey, he planned to stop by his fiancée’s house in Kampung Batu Balai for lunch.
“Prior to the accident, a 40-year-old lorry driver was coming from Jengka 6, Maran, and heading to Gua Musang while delivering a load of oil palm bunches.

“When the lorry reached the location of the accident via a winding road, the victim’s motorcycle collided with it as it was coming from the opposite direction,” he said.
Ismail added the collision caused Ahmad Solihin to die at the scene and that the case is now being investigated under Section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for reckless driving.