
14yo M’sian Teen Left With 40 Stitches After He Was Assaulted Over Damaged Handphone

He fell into a nearby drain after being attacked.
While no one likes to see their personal belongings being damaged by other people, it’s no excuse to take out one’s anger and frustration by assaulting the person responsible for the damage.

A teen was left bleeding and battered after he was beaten by three other teenagers over a handphone which his younger sibling had damaged.

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14yo M’sian teen left with 40 stitches following attack over handphone

According to a statement by Raub district police chief Superintendent Mohd Shahril Abdul Rahman, he said the 14-year-old teen was beaten by three others aged between 16 and 17 last Friday (Jul 19) in Taman Sempalit Aman.

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After being attacked, the victim fell into a drain and had to have 40 stitches to his head as a result of the assault.

“Several weeks ago, the victim’s younger sibling had accidentally damaged a brand new mobile phone belonging to one of the suspects.

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On the day of the incident, the suspects confronted the victim and demanded that he gave them a new handphone. When he was unable to, they proceeded to beat him before he fell into a nearby drain.

Boy covering his face while being attacked
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

“The victim knew all of his attackers and police nabbed the three suspects on Saturday (Jul 20) based on information given and a police report lodged by the victim,” he said.

Shahril added the suspects were secondary school students and will be remanded until today.

The case is now being investigated under Section 325 of the Penal Code for causing grievous hurt,  which is punishable with up to seven years’ imprisonment and a fine.

Read the statement here:


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