When we’re far from home, one of our biggest fears is someone breaking in. This Raya, our Economy Minister experienced just that, but with a cute surprise – instead of intruders, it was a gang of furry mischief-makers.
Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli revealed that he was shocked to find his house broken into upon returning from the Raya holiday, not by one, but by ten of them.
Well, this isn’t something you’re expecting because the thieves that broke into his house are CATS. Yes, you read that right.

The thieves have been identified
Taking to his Facebook account, Rafizi shared the pictures of the incident that took place and the ones who caused it.
Jokingly, he stated that the 10 suspects had been identified, caught red-handed rummaging through the kitchen, and taking out their frustration on the plastic flower pots stored in the cabinet.

“Some suspects attempted to flee to the upper floor of the house and steal the homeowner’s exercise equipment, but were unsuccessful.” he continued.

According to him, the final suspect in this unexpected case was apprehended while hiding among the trees.
The furry suspects appeared dissatisfied

Furthermore, he explained the motive behind the suspects’ actions, attributing it to their dissatisfaction over not being taken home for the Raya celebration in their kampung.
This post quickly captured the attention of netizens with its amusing content, injecting a touch of hilarity into this Raya season.
So, as we reflect on this festive season, let’s not forget the lesson learned from this feline encounter – never underestimate the power of cats to turn a house upside down, quite literally!
Here is the full post: