
We Quit Our Six-Figure Salaries To Start A Roadside Coffee Shop In A Mustang At Penang

Will you do this if you had a Mustang?
Each one of us struggle during our teenage years to ace exams and to get into a prestigious university to earn our degrees. But when all that hard work finally pays off and you land the dream job with a six-figure salary per annum, will you truly be satisfied?

Most believe that if you are well-off, you don’t have to work hard. Well, wait till you learn about these two siblings who worked hard to achieve their goals.

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They are balancing two jobs to reach financial independence. This is their story of dedication and hard work.

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Rochelle and leah with their mustang
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Meet the two bold sisters who chose to quit their high-paying jobs, which many would envy, to pursue their passion and improve their mental health.

Both the sisters were the masterminds behind this unique idea.

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Rochelle making coffee at their roadside coffee shop
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

The 31-year-old, with a background in Biomedical Sciences, has been immersed in the corporate world since graduation. On the other hand, her sister Leah holds a degree in International Hotel & Tourism Management.

These two successful sisters have defied Asian stereotypes, boldly following their hearts and carving their own unique path.

Doesn’t a corporate job guarantee a stable income?

While a corporate job can ensure a strong and consistent bank balance, it often takes a toll on mental health. In conclusion, although a corporate job can provide stable income, it most probably can’t provide a stable mental health.

Leah making coffee at the roadside coffee shop
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Leah left her corporate job due to the significant downturn in the hotel industry during Covid-19, while Rochelle chose to explore life beyond the confines of a 9-to-5 job.

Why this idea?

It’s uncommon for women to have a passion for supercars.

Rochelle shared with WeirdKaya that she enjoys pushing her limits and exploring new horizons. She values breaking away from traditional feminine expectations.

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This is one of the primary reasons, Rochelle decided to get herself a Ford Mustang, a car that’s not so commonly used by a female driver.

Rochelle making coffee at the shop
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

When asked how the idea came about, Rochelle explained that it happened during a drive home with her sister Leah.

They were discussing potential business ventures, tossing around ideas, when inspiration struck. They realized they could combine their love for coffee and cars into a unique venture.

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Why not try combining cars and coffee, as it’s what we truly love, and it would be awesome to make a living out of it!

Rochelle and leah making coffee in the back of their mustang
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

The love for a Mustang

Rochelle explained that her love for the Mustang didn’t emerge out of nowhere; it was a childhood dream. She had always wanted one after being captivated by it at a car show.

Rochelle and leah sipping coffee at their coffee shop
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

After years of hard work, she finally got her Mustang. Now, the sisters have combined their two passions into a business, aiming to live carefree lives.

The two Kedah-born sisters envision themselves driving around Penang Island with a coffee machine, blending their love for coffee and cars into a unique venture.

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This baby step is a milestone for us as it is making us reach our long term dream of experiencing freedom. We also aim to inspire others in our community to embrace this lifestyle.

Their support system has always been their parents, who have been unwavering in their encouragement and belief in their daughters’ dreams.

From a young age, Rochelle and Leah were taught the importance of following their passions and striving for excellence in whatever they chose to pursue.

Rochelle and leah's family members
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Their parents consistently reassured them that they would have their full support in all their endeavors, no matter how unconventional or challenging they might seem.

This solid foundation of love and encouragement has been a crucial factor in the sisters’ ability to take bold steps in their careers and lives.

Apart from cars & coffee

Rochelle doing pilates
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Not only do the sisters love cars and coffee, but they also have unique interests that add depth to their personalities. Rochelle, for instance, loves Pilates, which helps her embrace her feminine side.

Rochelle practicing muay thai
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

To cultivate strength and resilience, she has also taken up Muay Thai, traditionally associated with masculinity. Rochelle firmly believes in embracing diverse experiences to expand her horizons and develop a well-rounded perspective on life.

Leah with her floral bouquet
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Leah, on the other hand, has a passion for creating wonders with flowers. She decided to start her own floral business, crafting beautiful bouquets. As her business flourished, she found herself balancing her floral enterprise while also working as a barista at Mustang Coffee.

More about Mustang Coffee

This is the first-ever roadside coffee shop, where baristas brew fresh coffee directly from a coffee machine installed at the back of a Mustang.

This innovative concept is going viral among Penangites, capturing the curiosity and taste buds of coffee enthusiasts across the region.

Mustang coffee
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Located in the scenic area of Tanjung Bungah, the coffee shop offers a unique blend of convenience and quality. It’s a hotspot for many cyclists as they usually enjoy expertly crafted beverages served right from the Mustang.

Cyclists buying coffee from mustang coffee
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

Behind this burgeoning roadside sensation are two sisters who have poured their passion for coffee into this venture.

Their dedication to delivering exceptional coffee in an unconventional setting has not only drawn locals but also garnered attention from visitors far and wide.

Mustang coffee
Photo provided to WeirdKaya

The sisters’ commitment to their craft and their Mustang has become a symbol of their brand, adding a touch of coolness to the coffee culture in Penang.

As word of mouth spreads, hopefully the shop continues to attract an increasing number of people, solidifying its place as a must-visit spot in Penang.


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