
‘We Don’t Want To See Him Anymore’, Say M’sian Sisters Who Were Raped By Their Father

He was sentenced to 27 years in jail and 13 cane strokes.
Two siblings in Johor publicly denounced their father in court after he did unspeakable things to them last month at their home in Batu Pahat.

This comes after the 45-year-old suspect pleaded guilty to charges of rape and molestation which he allegedly committed against his own daughters.

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Raped & molested daughters at home

According to NST, the first charge accused the suspect of raping his 14-year-old daughter at their family home between 2.30pm and 4.00pm on Aug 28.

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It was framed under Section 376(3) of the Penal Code, which carries up to 30 years in prison and at least 10 cane strokes.

Frightened woman covering her face
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

As for the second charge, he was accused of sexually assaulting his 11-year-old daughter in April this year at the same location.

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The charge fell under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act (AKKSTKK) 2017, which provides up to 20 years in prison and caning.

He pleaded guilty to both charges before Sessions Court Judge Sayani Mohd Nor.

Wife reported rape to police

The English daily also reported that the suspect’s deeds came to light when his wife lodged a police report after one of the victims witnessed him raping her sister when she got back from school and looked through the window.

In the police report, the victim said she was sexually assaulted twice in less than three hours in the living room.

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Photo via The Star

Upon realising that one of his daughters was present, the suspect stopped the assault, only to continue hours later.

When the girls’ mother got home from work at 5.30pm, she saw the look of sadness and distress on their faces. When she asked what happened, they told her about the rape.

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The girls were later sent to Sultanah Nora Ismail Hospital for treatment, where medical officers confirmed they had been sexually violated.

‘We don’t want to see him anymore’

Following the incident, the siblings made their feelings about their father known in a letter submitted to the court.

Msian man guilty of raping daughters
Photo via NST

We don’t want to see our father anymore. He has traumatised us, made us fearful and hateful towards him. We feel disgusted by his actions towards us.

Deputy public prosecutor Danial Munir asked the court to hand out a heavy sentence for the suspect, saying that the latter expressed no remorse and had failed to protect his daughters as a father.

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Judge Sayani Mohd Nor later sentenced the suspect to 20 years in prison and 10 cane strokes for rape, and seven years and three cane strokes for physical sexual assault.

Judge using gavel
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

Both sentences will run concurrently starting from the date of the suspect’s detention on Aug 29.

The court also ordered the suspect to undergo counselling and be placed under police supervision for two years upon completing his prison term, as outlined in Sections 26 and 27 of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017.

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