
Tiger Seen Strolling Calmly By Roadside In Kluang, Shocking Passersby

Beware of tiger!
A tiger was spotted walking along the road connecting Kahang and Mersing, leaving motorists stunned.

A video uploaded by the KHI (Kluang Hari Ini) Facebook page on the 14th September showed the majestic tiger strolling calmly before it darted into the nearby forest upon seeing a car pass by.

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Tiger strolling calmly

In the video, the tiger can be seen casually strolling in the middle of the road, seemingly undisturbed by its surroundings.

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Tiger crossing road in kluang
Image via FB/KHI

It wasn’t until the car approached that the tiger quickly dashed into the nearby forest to avoid the vehicle.

The car slowed down to capture the tiger but the video was cut short after the tiger ran away.

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Not the first tiger sighting

According to China Press, this is not the first time a tiger has been sighted in the area this month.

On the 11th, two men reported encountering a tiger while fishing in a palm oil plantation within the Felda Nitar 2 area of Mersing, at approximately 5:45 p.m.

Luckily, the tiger retreated after snatching one of the men’s bags and did not launch an attack on either of them.

Authorities have yet to confirm the reasons for the increased sightings of tigers in these areas, but residents are advised to remain vigilant.

Watch the full video here:

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